Top 10 Most Common Interview Questions:

To further prepare, familiarise yourself with these common interview questions and suggested ways to approach them:

1. Why are you leaving your current job?

Answer with confidence and focus on the positive reasons for your job change. Highlight your desire for growth and future opportunities rather than dwelling on negatives about your former job.

2. Why do you want to work here?

Show that you have researched the company and understand its services, products, history, and culture. Explain how the company’s values and goals align with your career path and aspirations.

3. What interests you about this role?

Highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Discuss specific aspects of the role that excite you and how they match your strengths and career goals.

4. What are your goals for the future?

Share your long-term career ambitions and how the role fits into your plans. Show that you are looking for a position where you can grow and develop.

5. What are your greatest strengths?

Reflect on your strengths and relate them to the job you’re applying for. Provide examples of how these strengths have benefited your previous roles.

6. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Be honest about a weakness but show self-awareness and a proactive approach to improvement. End on a positive note by explaining how you are addressing this weakness.

7. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Be honest about a weakness but show self-awareness and a proactive approach to improvement. End on a positive note by explaining how you are addressing this weakness.

8. What is your salary range expectation?

Ensure your expectations align with the budget for the role. If you’re not ready to discuss salary, express your desire to understand the role and company better before negotiating.

9. Why should we hire you?

Summarise your skills, experiences, and qualities that make you the best fit for the role. Connect your background to the specific needs of the company.

10. Do you have any questions?

Use this opportunity to ask insightful questions that show your interest in the role and the company. It also helps you understand if the job is the right fit for you.

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